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Enjoyment Achievement & Respect

Welcome to

Tannery Drift First School

We adapt activities to allow all children to show their strengths and encourage every child to feel capable, be independent and love learning. We aim to make sure that every child in our care enjoys their time at school and provide a safe and secure environment.



  • Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Summer Break

    We would like to wish all of the children and families at Tannery Drift a wonderful Summer break.  Good luck to our Year 4 children, moving on to Year 5 in September! We will miss you all, but we know you will enjoy new challenges a...

    19 Jul 24Read More
  • Summer Music Concert

    On Thursday some of our Key Stage 2 music tuition pupils performed to an audience of parents, staff and children in a Summer Music Concert. The children selected pieces to perform so that they could showcase the music skills they ha...

    21 Jun 24Read More
  • Year 2 Athletics at St. Edmund’s Prep

    On Tuesday, 8 children from Year 2 were selected to compete in an Athletics Event at St. Edmunds Prep School. Each child took part in two track events and one other event such as long jump or throwing. The children all tried their best...

    14 Jun 24Read More
  • FTDS - HomeStart Aquathon - A Thank You!

    On behalf of the Friends of Tannery Drift, thank you to everyone who donated and supported our Tannery Swimmers in the HomeStart Aquathon back in April. We raised an incredible £475.00 in total, so £237.50 will go to FTDS a...

    13 Jun 24Read More
  • Marvellous Mathematicians!

    A team of Year 4 pupils from Tannery Drift First School experienced success this month, taking second place in the finals of the Hertfordshire Schools Maths Challenge. Competing against teams from around Hertfordshire, the UK, and some i...

    10 Jun 24Read More
  • Year 4 PGL Trip

    From the 15th to the 17th May, Year 4 students from Tannery Drift First School embarked on a fun-packed residential trip to Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. During their visit they threw themselves into the activities come rain or shin...

    24 May 24Read More
  • Drumba Workshop

    On Thursday, children from Year 1 to 3 took part in a Drumba workshop! These were really high energy sessions involving music and drumming for fitness. It was an amazing experience, and the children were really engaged in the activity. Stud...

    22 May 24Read More
  • Easter Hat Parade

    A big well done to all the children in our Nursery and Reception classes. They sang beautifully and cheerfully paraded their Easter hats this week.   Thank you to the grown-ups for the effort that went into helping the children...

    28 Mar 24Read More
  • Multiskills Festival

    Year 2 attended a Multiskills Festival on Thursday. The children played a carousel of games which included using beanbags, balls and relay batons. Even though the weather wasn't great, the children did a fantastic job and enjoyed themse...

    28 Mar 24Read More
  • World Book Day

    On Thursday, children across the school were invited to wear pyjamas to school and spent the day enjoying a wide range of book-themed activities.  Look out for the World Book Day special in our newsletter next week.

    08 Mar 24Read More
  • Red Robins Class Visit the Library

    On Monday, Red Robin class walked to the town library to enjoy a story session. They got to listen and join in with some stories and explore the different books on offer. It was a wonderful opportunity for all the childr...

    05 Mar 24Read More
  • Paddington Bear visits Reception

    This week in Reception, we had a mystery to solve. The children found a suitcase in the classroom and had to work out who had left it there. The next day the mysterious visitor arrived, Paddington Bear. The children have...

    01 Mar 24Read More
  • 02September

    Staff Training Day - School Closed to Pupils

    All Day
  • 03September

    Staff Training Day - School Closed to Pupils

    All Day
  • 28October

    Half Term

    All Day