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Status Quo drummer visits Tannery Drift

On Friday we welcomed former Status Quo drummer, Jeff Rich, into school for an amazing drumming workshop. Year 3 and 4 had such a fantastic morning learning all about drumming as well as getting the opportunity to try out a variety of percussion instruments.

Afterwards Years 1-4 were treated to a special performance by Jeff, which was definitely a highlight of the morning. It was absolutely amazing to watch, and we are certain we have some budding drummers feeling inspired by the performance.
This was followed by a session where Year 1 and 2 got to join in playing the instruments as well and everyone had a wonderful time creating rhythms together.

Thank you to Miss Seymour for organising such a great experience for the children, and, of course, to Jeff, for such an amazing morning.

Jeff loved the enthusiasm of the children and left us this message:
“What fantastic children! They all sat and listened extremely well...a credit to the school”.