Curriculum Information
We are committed to making sure that every child in our care enjoys their time at school, in a safe, secure and inclusive environment.
Curriculum Planning and Aims
At Tannery Drift First School we provide a varied and challenging curriculum that every child can enjoy and achieve in. Our curriculum ensures continuity and progression for all our pupils in all subjects.
We value the learning of knowledge and skills synonymously. Teaching staff have worked collaboratively to develop a curriculum that balances these elements, ensuring transferable and interpersonal skills interlace all learning. Children are given opportunities to explore and investigate, guiding them to make their own connections between different subject areas.
We are a community where everyone is encouraged to do their best, and we work in partnership to secure the best outcomes for all children.
Through our teaching, we aim to:
Develop a passion for learning in our children
Enable children to learn using a range of skills, methods and technology to help them become resourceful, enquiring and independent
Enable children to become confident learners who believe in themselves and their ability to progress and succeed
Provide children with the tools to develop fluency across the curriculum
Foster children’s self-esteem, and help them to build positive relationships with others
Develop children’s self-respect, encouraging them to understand the ideas, attitudes and values of others
Teach respect for all individuals and cultures and promote positive attitudes towards other people
Enable children to understand their wider community, and help them feel valued as part of it
Help children grow into reliable, independent, and positive citizens, who care about their impact on the world.
In summary, we:
‘Develop the whole child with enjoyment, achievement and respect.’