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Results 2023

We are pleased to inform you of the achievements of our Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 children at the end of the academic year 2022/2023. All children worked hard, and we are very pleased with their progress.

Reception Outcomes

The Good Level of Development score for our Foundation Stage was 68%. This score is the percentage of children who were awarded ‘Expected’ or ‘Exceeding’ grades in all Prime and all Literacy and Mathematics areas.

  Tannery Drift Hertfordshire
Good Level of Development (GLD) 68 68


Areas of Learning % Expected +
Tannery Drift Hertfordshire
Personal, Social & Emotional Development 83 84
Communication and Language 79 82
Physical Development 88 87
Literacy 68 71
Mathematics 77 79
Understanding the World 84 82
Expressive Arts and Design 90 87

Key Stage 1 Phonics Outcomes

Year 1
Met the required standard (%)
Tannery Drift Hertfordshire National
86 79 79

Key Stage 1 Outcomes

  % Expected Standard+ % Above the Expected Standard
Subject Tannery Drift Herts National Tannery Drift Herts National
Maths 66 71 70 15 19 16
Reading 69 70 68 27 23 19
Writing 55 61 60 6 11 8
Science 76 79 79 -

Congratulations to all the children who worked hard throughout the year to achieve these excellent results. We are very pleased for you and proud of you all.