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June 2024

  • Summer Music Concert

    Published 21/06/24

    On Thursday some of our Key Stage 2 music tuition pupils performed to an audience of parents, staff and children in a Summer Music Concert.

    The children selected pieces to perform so that they could showcase the music skills they have developed in their lessons and through practice at home.

    Everyone did a marvellous job, well done children!

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  • Year 2 Athletics at St. Edmund’s Prep

    Published 14/06/24

    On Tuesday, 8 children from Year 2 were selected to compete in an Athletics Event at St. Edmunds Prep School.

    Each child took part in two track events and one other event such as long jump or throwing. The children all tried their best and we came 4th! Finley came first overall in throwing, well done!

    Phoebe and Finley were awarded All Star Performers as well! Fantastic Team Tannery! 

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  • FTDS - HomeStart Aquathon - A Thank You!

    Published 13/06/24

    On behalf of the Friends of Tannery Drift, thank you to everyone who donated and supported our Tannery Swimmers in the HomeStart Aquathon back in April. We raised an incredible £475.00 in total, so £237.50 will go to FTDS and £237.50 to HomeStart. 

    A very big thank you to the swimmers who gave their time, and energy(!), to raise money.

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  • Marvellous Mathematicians!

    Published 10/06/24
    A team of Year 4 pupils from Tannery Drift First School experienced success this month, taking second place in the finals of the Hertfordshire Schools Maths Challenge. Competing against teams from around Hertfordshire, the UK, and some internation
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June 2024