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  • NSPCC Number Day

    Published 09/02/24

    Our children enjoyed dressing up for Number Day, and took part in a variety of maths-based activities. Well done to all those children who competed in the TT Rockstars competition - having fun and improving their times table recall at the same time. Thank you for everyone who made a donation to the NSPCC.

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  • Number Day - Friday 2nd February 2024

    Published 25/01/24

    Friday 2nd February is NSPCC Number Day!  Pupils are asked to wear an item of clothing with a number on it (e.g. football shirt, cap, number badges) or get even more creative by dressing in a maths - or numbers - themed outfit (e.g. as a clock).

    To help raise money for the NSPCC we are asking for a suggested donation of £1 for taking part and would really appreciate any extra donations to sponsor the range of activities that the children will take part in on the day. You can donate by visiting the Just Giving page: Tannery Drift First School is fundraising for NSPCC (

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  • Transition Survey Results

    Published 09/01/24

    We are pleased to share the results of the transition survey that Early Years families contributed to last term. Thank you to everyone who responded, your feedback has helped us to plan next steps to improve the transition process for children and their families.

    The results can be viewed on the Nursery and Reception class pages.

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  • Storytime with Santa

    Published 20/12/23

    This week we welcomed some very special visitors into school. 

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  • Fire Station Christmas Extravaganza

    Published 20/12/23
    On Thursday 7th December, the children were invited to have tours of the fire station's Christmas Extravaganza. They also got a close-up look at one of the fire engines! We are very grateful to the team at Royston Fire Station for in
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  • Early Years Christmas Performances

    Published 20/12/23
    An enormous “well done” to the children in Early Years who performed to their parents and familes this week. For some of the children, this was their first experience of being in a school show, and they were brilliant! Thank you to the Ea
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  • History in Year 1

    Published 18/12/23
    This half-term Owl Class had some visitors in to talk about their childhood toys. We spoke about how some toys are the same and how some have changed. Mrs Simons came in to share some of the toys she has kept, which included a wind-up doll an
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  • Key Stage 1 Christmas Performances

    Published 18/12/23
    Last week, the children in Years 1 and 2 performed to their families – and what wonderful performances they were. The children spoke clearly and confidently, knew when it was their turn to go on the stage, and sung beautifully. A huge thank you
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  • FTDS Christmas Fair

    Published 30/11/23

    Mini Christmas Fair – Friday 8th December, 3.15-4.15pm, School Hall

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  • Tannery Drift Art Gallery

    Published 17/11/23

    To celebrate the end of Arts Week, parents and carers were welcomed into the school to view artwork created by the children

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  • Year 2 Football Festival

    Published 19/10/23
    Last Friday, 2 teams of Year 2 children attended a Football Festival at St Edmunds Prep School. This involved tournaments against other schools as well as some football activity games. Despite the rain, 6 of the children won medals for firs
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  • Early Years Visit

    Published 13/10/23
    Our Early Years setting recently received a Commissioned School Visit from a Herts for Learning Early Years Adviser. The 1.5 day visit included meeting leaders, several learning walks, observing teaching and learning in the setting, as well as chatti
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