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High quality texts are at the core of our English writing lessons and teachers immerse children in exciting learning environments to develop their creativity and language quality. We use a three-phrase planning approach around a core text ensuring that age related expectations are met through clear progression of skills and extended writing opportunities. Children show pride in the presentation of their work, where they are taught to write fluently and legibly in a cursive style by the end of their time at Tannery Drift. All classrooms have welcoming, well-stocked book areas with books that the children love, and all teachers regularly share their enthusiasm for reading by using and reading a range of enjoyable texts and favourite books.

We also place a big emphasis on developing the children’s ability to speak clearly, and on their listening skills and ability to comprehend information in both verbal and written forms. In the Early Years this may take the form of sharing information with a small group about a place they have visited, and by Key Stage 2 will progress to children giving short presentations to the whole class. All our children become very confident at giving public performances and enjoy putting on class assemblies and by Year 4, they are able to put on a full musical, performing their lines with confidence.

Click below to see the progression of grammar skills as well as the end of year expectations in writing.