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Computing is an important teaching and learning area of the curriculum and taught to equip children with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding they will need for the rest of their lives.

Whilst it is taught weekly across the key stages in discrete lessons, using the Purple Mash scheme of work alongside other important apps and programs, it is also used creatively in other areas of the curriculum to both consolidate and stretch the children’s understanding of digital literacy.

Within the curriculum, every year group covers the three strands of learning (as below) which covers the national curriculum objectives:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Digital Literacy

Underpinning these aspects of Computing is the children learning to be safe, effective and respectful users of technology, recognising both acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and knowing how to respond if they have concerns. This is also taught in other areas of the curriculum, such as PSHE.

For information about online safety please visit our Online Safety Information page.

Two boys sit next to each other, sharing a laptop to complete an ICT learning task together.

At the start of their school career children are given individual Purple Mash logins. To access the website, please click here.

If you or your child are having any difficulties accessing the website, please contact their class teacher.

Using Purple Mash with your child at home